HIA Trade Hub
Food Innovation Australia
Australian Trade and Investment Commission
Upskill My Business
Agriculture Victoria
-Farm Business Resilience Webinar 2: Your Financials- Register here
Jane Foster, Agribusiness Consultant, ORM, will provide tips on how to work with the ‘new norms’ around accessing and extending bank finance and discuss the use of other financial buffers. When: Thursday, June 18, 2020, 01:30 PM Australia/Melbourne
-Farm Business Resilience Webinar 3: Your Resources- Register here
Participants will be shown how to identify critical work flows, exposures and vulnerabilities, set priorities and access potential impacts using a risk matrix. When: Thursday, July 2, 2020, 01:30 PM Australia/Melbourne
-Farm Business Resilience Webinar 4: Your Plan - Register here
An expert panel from across agriculture will discuss how farmers have successfully built business resilience over the last decade, where are the main gaps, and how can farms build resilience into the future. When: Thursday, July 16, 2020, 01:30 PM Australia/Melbourne
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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