HORT INNOVATION has brought together key links and resources related to the COVID-19 outbreak at
www.horticulture.com.au/growers/covid/ The alerts and resources are intended to help growers and others in the horticulture industry keep up to date with trusted information in these unusual times – particularly news and updates relating to continuing to operate. The page includes the following resources and will be continuously updated:
There is also a focus on promoting fresh produce grown by Australian growers during this outbreak and reassuring consumers that food, including non-packaged fresh fruit and vegetables, is not shown to transmit the virus.
Release of the Hort Stats Handbook THE 2018-19
Horticulture Statistics Handbook was released this week, the fifth iteration of this publication. The Handbook is a powerful resource and the preferred source of industry data for 75 horticultural products across fruit, vegetable, nuts and amenity/greenlife products.
New Hort Innovation Instagram page
HORT INNOVATION can now be found on Instagram:
@hortinnovation_au. You are now able to follow and tag Hort Innovation in any of your own content that you’d like them to share!