Dry seasons support- Household financial relief is now available
The CWA of Victoria’s Drought Relief program has been provided a funding boost by the Victorian Government for the provision of household financial relief. A grant payment of up to $3,000 per individual applicant and/or household is available for farming families, farm workers and contractors that are drought-affected and reliant on farming as their primary source of income.
To access an application form or to find out more, visit the CWA of Victoria’s website.
Traceability Grants Program – Round 1
The Australian Government is inviting applications through an open competitive process to apply to deliver services under the Traceability Grants Program – Round 1 (the program). The program was announced as part of the Modernising Agricultural Trade initiative. This program provides opportunities for successful applicants to conduct projects that will enhance the supply chain traceability systems and arrangements that support the export of our agricultural commodities. Closing Date & Time 21 February 2020 - 11:00pm AEDT.
For further information regarding the Grants Program, or to apply, please click here.
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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