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Horticulture Business Workforce Planning sessions
Horticulture Business Workforce Planning sessions
Horticulture businesses across Victoria are preparing for the upcoming harvest and, for many, managing the workforce will be crucial as they find new ways to attract and retain workers. To support business to manage this challenge, Agriculture Victoria is providing free, one-on-one Horticulture Workforce Planning sessions with workforce recruitment and HR specialists Meridian Agriculture.
To take part in an individual session, managers or business owners need to register their interest online at https://forms.office.com/r/S1ajNegkFi The individual business will have a two-hour session with a Meridian Agriculture HR consultant, with a one-hour follow-up session to check progress and gain additional support.
Join VCA: complete the Membership application form
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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