Horticulture Award changes are on the way The lengthy process to review the conditions of the Horticulture Award is getting closer to completion, with draft determinations recently released by the Fair Work Commission. The main areas likely to impact horticulture producers are the inclusion of overtime provisions for casuals and introduction of a minimum two hour engagement for casual workers. At this stage it is still unclear whether overtime provisions will apply to piece rate workers or when the new award conditions will be enacted. Examples of altered pay rates if the new award provisions are implemented:
For hours worked outside of ordinary span of hours (5.00am-8.30pm) Base rate + 25% casual loading + 15% overtime loading = 18.93 + 4.73 + 2.84 = $26.50 OR 140% 18.93 = $26.50
Hours worked in excess of 12 hours per day or 304 hours over an 8 week period Base rate + 25% casual loading + 50% overtime loading = 18.93 + 4.73 + 9.47 = $33.13 OR 175% 18.93 = $33.13
Public holiday Base rate + base rate+ 25% casual loading = 18.93 + 18.93 + 4.73 = $42.59 OR 225% 18.93 = $42.59
Labour Hire Licensing Update Labour hire licensing laws are in different stages of implementation in the three states that had indicated they were going to implement them. A brief summary for Victoria follows:
The consultation period on the exposure draft for the Labour Hire Licensing Regulations and Regulatory Impact Statement closed on the 5th of September and submissions made are being reviewed before final regulations are made. It needs to be noted that exposure draft Regulations do not contain a commencement date. The commencement date will be the day that the remaining provisions of the Act come into operation. This is anticipated to be around early to mid-2019. Further information: https://economicdevelopment.vic.gov.au/what-we-do/industrial-relations/victorian-labour-hire-licensing-scheme