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Labour Hire Authority Updates and information
Compliance focus – Victoria’s horticulture industry
The Commonwealth Senate Select Committee on Job Security has inquired into the impact of insecure or precarious employment, with evidence given to the Committee by several workers from the horticulture sector. Media stories since have further highlighted workers’ concerns and the challenges faced with cleaning up the labour hire industry servicing this sector. Read more of this article here...
Site visits to Victorian horticulture businesses this month
The Labour Hire Authority (LHA) continues its work to prevent labour hire worker exploitation in the horticulture industry this year. Inspectors and authorised officers from WorkSafe, Labour Hire Authority and the Department of Justice and Community Safety will visit Yarra Valley farms to conduct compliance checks and offer advice on how to tackle health and safety hazards. These site visits follow an online information session giving Yarra Valley growers and providers the opportunity to refresh their knowledge on workplace health and safety. Read more of this article here...
Useful links and information:
Testing and vaccinations:
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Victoria website in multiple languages
- Information about the COVID-19 vaccines in multiple languages
- Instructions on how to use Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs)
- Information for people who have recovered from COVID-19
- COVID-19 testing and the workplace
Business support and wellbeing:
- DJPR COVID Safe information session for small/medium business – 1, 3 March
- One on one support to improve financial, business and emotional wellbeing
COVID isolation and exemption:
Join VCA: complete the Membership application form
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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