MRL Calculator webinar series - Tool to assist horticultural industries comply with maximum residue limits (MRL) in export markets
The MRL calculator enables to you to calculate whether, by extending the withholding period of chemicals, the residue levels will decline enough to meet the overseas MRL. The tool was developed by a consortium of PIBs including ATGA, CGA and SAL, with the support of Agriculture Victoria. The webinars are planned for:
Before attending these webinars, or to find out a little more of what this is all about, you should watch a 25-minute recording “Intro to EHI Modelling” on the background of the development of MRL Calculator and the potential for expansion of export markets. The video can be found on the Summerfruit website: To register interest in attending the webinars please email
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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