The YV QFF Taskforce, Agribusiness Yarra Valley and Professor Michael Renton (Uni of W.A.) are mapping fruit fly risk in the Yarra Valley in preparation to determine the best sites to place fruit fly traps for our area wide management and prevention of QFF.
We acknowledge “QFF risk” comes from all fruit production (including domestic), and the people enabling fruit movement/sales. This is also being mapped as part of the risk assessment. Please note that commercial fruit production location information is dually useful to help determine new and improved QFF trap locations to best support the early warnings to Yarra Valley fruit growers.
This study will help form a guide as to where we need to place traps for early warning purposes. This information will only be seen by the QFF YV Regional Co-Ordinator, Agribusiness Yarra Valley, and Michael Renton’s research team – all in agreeance to privacy via contact.
We are now seeking permission from Growers in the Yarra Valley to pass on address details to the Yarra Valley QFF Co-Ordinator. If you do not wish for your address to be passed on, please email the VCA by 03 October 2019 to advise at
For Growers that are happy for the VCA to pass on their address, it would be greatly appreciated if you could please provide us with GPS co-ordinates. The VCA will provide this information.
Any further questions can be directed to:
Bronwyn Koll- Agribusiness Yarra Valley
Queensland Fruit Fly Regional Coordinator (Yarra Valley)
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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