General scams awareness
Protect yourself from scammers by being scam aware
Between January and August 2022, Australian farmers and agricultural businesses lost over $1.2 million to scammers. In total, Australians have lost over $300 million to scammers so far this year. It can be difficult to recover any losses suffered from a scam and so it is important to stop them before they happen. The ACCC operates Scamwatch, which aims to help Australian consumers and small businesses recognise scams and avoid them by providing information about how to report scams and where to get help if they’ve been scammed.
Tractor & Machinery scams
Over $1.03M has been lost to tractor and machinery scams so far this year. Scammers can create fake websites and use online platforms to ‘sell’ machinery. They often say they’ll hold payment during a free-trial period and promise full refunds if you are not satisfied.
Do extra checks before buying online. Report scams to Scamwatch.
Fake Invoice scams targeting Farmers
Australian farmers have lost over $320,000 to fake invoice scams so far this year. Scammers often impersonate businesses and request payment of “invoices”. These may look exactly like an invoice you are expecting. Report scams to Scamwatch.
Don't let scammers harvest your personal data
Scammers target more than just money – they have eyes on your personal information too. Protect yourself from identity theft:
If you think your identity has been stolen, contact IDCARE
You can read more about these scams and other common scams on the ACCC’s Scamwatch page. Scamwatch also provides guidance on protecting yourself from scams and where to get help.
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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