Farmers and growers who have been impacted by flood or storm events – including hail in the Goulburn Valley – and require assistance or have urgent animal welfare needs, please contact the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226 and press 9 for an interpreter.
AgVic asks that people do report damage as it helps with their response. They also acknowledge that horticulture outcomes can be months down the track.
What to do immediately after a flood- Department of Agriculture
Support for Victorian Primary Producers Impacted by Flooding
The Victorian Government has announced support for primary producers and businesses across Victoria affected by the devastating floods. A $73.5 million package will deliver grants to help farmers and business owners clean up their properties, while business mentoring, concessional loans and transport subsidies will help businesses get back on their feet.
Support for primary producers- UPDATED
The Victorian Primary Producer Flood Recovery Grant of up to $75,000 is available to support clean-up, relief and recovery efforts. This grant replaces the below $10,000 Primary Producer Flood Clean-Up and Relief Grants announced 21 October 2022.
$19.5 million Primary Producer Flood Relief Program will deliver a one-off $10,000 payment – administered by Rural Finance – to primary producers directly affected by the floods to help them clean up, re-establish their properties, and get their businesses up and running again. The grants will cover activities like the removal and disposal of debris and injured or dead livestock, repairing essential equipment, fixing and replacing fencing, buying fodder, water and water storage, salvaging damaged crops, grain or feed, and hiring or purchasing materials to clean up a property or equipment.
Primary producers whose properties have been directly hit are also eligible for concessional loans of up to $250,000 to restore or replace damaged assets, and meet general expenses incurred while the clean-up is underway. Applications will open on Thursday, 20 October. For more information, visit
Support for businesses
Business owners will be supported through the $54 million Business Flood Relief Program. Directly impacted businesses will be eligible for a one-off payment of $5,000 to support clean-up, safety inspections, repairs, the hiring of equipment and purchase of stock that businesses need to get back in business as quickly as possible. The program will also support a dedicated Business Relief Service – with dedicated mentors to guide business owners through the available Commonwealth, state and local supports, manage insurance and landlord issues and build a strong recovery strategy.
Applications will open on Thursday, 20 October. For more information, visit Business Victoria or call the Business Victoria hotline on 132 215.
Support for mental health
In addition, the Victorian Government has announced a $4.4 million initial package that will support any extra mental healthcare flood-affected Victorians need. This includes $500,000 for specialist agriculture organisations, including the National Centre for Farmer Health, to provide dedicated mental health support to primary producers whose properties, livestock or crops were lost in the floods. Further information on this support is available in the Premier’s statement.
Taking care of yourself
Have you been taking care of yourself? During an emergency, people tend to exist in a survival state to get through the incident, using up considerable emotional reserves. If you’ve been working hard for long periods, missing meals and sleep, take some time to take care of yourself. Recognise the signs of stress and reach out for support if you need it. For a comprehensive list of health support agencies, click here
Business Victoria- Business Support
A PDF document is available for download from Business Victoria for those that were affected by the October 2022 floods. This is a great resource that outlines assistance available- Download here
Has your horticultural produce been in contact with flood waters?
The Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment
Provides one-off financial assistance to eligible Australians adversely affected by storms and floods: NB The threshold is $20,000 in damage this includes fences livestock etc
The Australian Government Disaster Recovery Allowance
Provides income support payments to eligible persons who can demonstrate they have experienced a loss of income as a direct result of storms and floods:
Council Flood Support Fund
This will be established as an initial measure to provide immediate payments of $500,000 to the 24 local government areas that have experienced the most profound flood damage. This support is in addition to existing Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. Further information provided in the following link:
Fast Facts: Farmers Lung
Moving mouldy hay, straw, grain and compost may trigger breathing issues. Take preventative action and look for signs of Farmers Lung with these Fast Facts by @FarmerHealth. More on lung health here:
Chemical safety after floods
Landholders in flood affected areas may face a range of issues related to the storage and use of chemicals:
For more information on dealing with floods visit
Translated Flood Factsheets
Please see below links for translated flood fact sheets from Agriculture Victoria. The material is in:
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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