The Farm Household Allowance is offered by Centrelink. A payment for farming families in financial hardship
Drought loans Drought loans of up to $2 million are available from the Regional Investment Corporation (RIC). These loans are available at concessional variable rate of 3.11% (from 1 August 2019).
AGL’s Farmer Assist With the Drought Relief Assistance package, farmers can have up to $1,500 of existing debt wiped off their AGL business energy bill, while the Solar Assistance package provides an upfront discount ranging from $2,500 to $25,000 to help you fund your own solar panel system.
Emergency Relief Program The assistance offered may include:
food, transport or chemist vouchers, part-payment of utility account(s), food parcels or clothing, budgeting assistance, referrals to other services that help to address underlying causes of the financial crisis.