Labour hire licence applications received before 30 June 2020
The Labour Hire Authority recognises that these are unprecedented times. The coronavirus situation is affecting labour hire hosts, providers and workers and has resulted in changes to the labour hire industry.
It is for this reason the Authority will not take enforcement action against a provider for providing labour hire services without a licence, or a host who enters into an arrangement with that provider, where a complete application is submitted to the Authority before midnight 30 June 2020 and there is no evidence of non-compliance. - click here for more detailed information.
Finding providers by industry
To support hosts, providers and workers during the coronavirus pandemic, the Authority has also published details of licensed labour hire providers and applicants including the industries to which they nominated supplying workers. This will particularly help hosts who need labour hire services.
Visit the Labour Hire Authority website for more information...
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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