Some of the basic requirements to enter each state
NSW, Victoria and ACT
No border restrictions exist for people traveling from any state or territory into NSW, Victoria or the ACT. However the requirement to restrict unnecessary travel applies. If you have offered workers a job it is advisable for them to have a copy of the confirmed job offer and accommodation arrangements when they travel.
Social Distancing
The introduction of widespread social distancing rules has resulted in many hostels limiting the number of people that can stay. Some are not accepting new guests and many caravan parks are closed, making it hard to find accommodation in lots of rural towns. So if you are bringing in workers from intra or interstate, make sure that suitable accommodation is available for them when they arrive.
The issue of accommodation for workers should not be underrated. While workers have traditionally managed to find their own accommodation in hostels and caravan parks, this cannot be guaranteed anymore and growers may need to provide more on farm accommodation. Some growers are already doing this by sourcing some of the many unused camper vans that are parked in yards around Australia. Attractive rental rates are on offer from these companies.
Visa condition changes
If you are employing anyone on a Working Holiday Visa (417 or 462) the good news is they are able to extend their visa by 12 months, even if they haven’t completed the 3 or 6 months of specified work required to apply for a second or third Working Holidaymaker visa. Staying in Australia
Looking for agriculture work?
While many other industries have either shut down or are operating at reduced capacity, agriculture is basically operating as normal, with large numbers of people still needed to pick and pack fruit and vegetables. However due to the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, many people who already have casual horticulture jobs are electing to continue working and thus there are few new job vacancies at the moment.
So if you are contacted by people looking for work, please ask them NOT TO TRAVEL TO ANY REGIONAL AREAS UNLESS THEY HAVE A CONFIRMED JOB TO GO TO. Rural communities do not want people arriving in their towns without a job and there is limited accommodation. People looking for horticulture work can get up-to-date information on all aspects of harvest jobs by contacting National Harvest Labour – 1800 062 332 or If you are looking for harvest workers our call centre consultants can assist with finding suitable people. This is a free service.
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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