COVID-19 will raise a lot of questions for growers on the importance of preparing your workplace for next season with the threat of COVID-19 still being present. With that in mind we have provided , several resource links below that will assist growers with this. Safe Work Australia have provided checklists on physical distancing, cleaning, health and hygiene and how to do a risk assessment if one of your employees is a vulnerable worker and PMA have released an information flyer on “How to Protect your Workforce”. Hopefully some of the links below may assist with answers:
COVID-19 & Fresh Produce Protecting your workforce
This checklist has been developed by PMA A-NZ to assist business in the fresh produce industry (fresh fruit, vegetables and flowers) better manage teams in the unique environments of harvesting and packing fresh produce. While the document has been developed specifically in response to COVID-19 we remind all businesses in the fresh produce industry to keep in mind food safety of your product and the health and safety of your teams. Download your copy of the Checklist here...
Safe Work Australia Resources:
Agriculture Victoria Resources:
Fruit Growers Victoria Resources:
How farmers and essential agricultural workers are protecting food security during COVID-19
Australian farmers and people working in agricultural industries are scrambling to protect food and fibre production from the threat of a COVID-19 shutdown. Essential agricultural workers are continuing to travel across regional areas and some state boundaries and, while most Australians are confined to their neighbourhoods, farmers must allow seasonal workers onto their properties for essential work, such as picking crops or shearing sheep. But human biosecurity is at the forefront this season. Read more of this ABC news article...
COVID-19 – accommodation for travelling workers: MADEC
Workers in horticulture have been deemed ‘essential labour’ under COVID-19 conditions so have been exempted from many travel and quarantine requirements. Visit the MADEC website for more information on Essential workers and COVID-19 exemptions...
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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