Current News
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Download the Media Release from the Minister for Agriculture, Mary-Anne Thomas regarding a new agreement to continue the subsidised, demand-driven quarantine pathway as part of the Seasonal Worker Programme and Pacific Labour Scheme.
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A limited number of scholarships are now available for women in the horticulture sector to participate in a range of leadership courses.
These scholarships enable more women within the horticulture sector to access powerful and effective leadership development opportunities, and support gender equity across the sector. The funding is available to women working in both levy and non-levy paying organisations. Expressions of interest close Friday 8 October unless allocated prior.
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The annual National Plant Biosecurity Status Report has become a must-have reference volume for those seeking to understand Australia’s plant biosecurity system and its performance.
In addition to identifying the greatest exotic pest threats to plant production, each report covers the governance of plant biosecurity in Australia and explains the mechanisms including our surveillance systems, which successfully manage the pest status of plant industries. Reports also describe the hundreds of innovative Australian research projects underway or completed over the period of the report.
Visit the Plant Health Australian website to download this report.
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Award rates increased from 1 July 2021: Don’t wait, calculate!
The Fair Work Commission increased the national minimum wage by 2.5%. The increase applies to minimum award wages from 1 July 2021. Now is the time to check you're paying or getting the correct minimum pay rates using the Fair work Ombudsman’s Pay and Conditions Tool. Most employees are covered by an award. If you’re not sure which award applies to you, use Find my award.
Visit the Fair work website Pay Calculator for more information.
Sign up to follow your providers
Follow my providers helps you make sure your labour hire providers are licensed. Start following providers to get an email and SMS alert if:
- applications are refused or withdrawn
- licences are granted, suspended or cancelled
- conditions are added to a licence
- suspended licences are re-issued.
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It is mandatory for every Victorian business with on-site operations to have a COVIDSafe Plan.
To ensure compliance, random spot checks are occurring throughout Victoria. Your COVIDSafe Plan must demonstrate:
- your actions to help prevent the introduction of COVID-19 to your workplace
- the type of face mask or personal protective equipment (PPE) required for your workforce
- how you will prepare for, and respond to, a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in your workplace
- how you will meet all the requirements set out by the Victorian Government. Some industries or workplaces are subject to additional industry obligations and have additional requirements of employers and employees.
Businesses must review and update their COVIDSafe Plans regularly, especially when restrictions or public health advice changes. Organisations with multiple worksites must complete a COVIDSafe Plan for each worksite. Visit the Coronavirus website for more information.
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The Australian Government has launched a new website to encourage everyone around the country to put biosecurity into practice in their everyday activities.
- brings together resources on other sites
- raises awareness for biosecurity risks
- makes it easier for you to take action.
Join VCA: complete the Membership application form
and return it to: VCA Secretary, PO Box 612, Mooroopna, 3629
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